ZIP Code 12261 Electricity Data

Electricity Rates and Usage in Albany, NY (12261)

New York

A Detailed Snapshot of Electricity in the ZIP Code 12261

Detailed electricity rate data on ZIP Code 12261 in Albany County in the U.S. View various electricity statistics about ZIP Code 12261, which is primarily associated with Albany, NY. Compare commercial, industrial and residential electricity rates in 12261 to those in New York and also in the entire U.S. Additionally, view data on both historical and current electricity usage in this Albany County region.

Electricity Rates in ZIP Code 12261

View the charts and tables below for a snapshot of how electricity rates in ZIP Code 12261 (Albany, NY) compare to rates in New York and to the U.S. overall.

Monthly Electricity Rates Comparison

Line chart displaying residental electricity rates for ZIP Code 12261, the U.S. and New York. This chart visualizes the comparison between the three groups. kWh: Kilowatt-hour

Residential Electricity Rates in 12261

The average residential electricity rate in ZIP Code 12261 of 11.74¢/kWh is lower than the average residential rate in the state of New York overall.

ZIP Code 12261 vs. New York

New York's average residential electricity rate of 24.23¢/kWh is approximately 106% higher than the 11.74¢/kWh 12261 average rate.

ZIP Code 12261 vs. the U.S.

Additionally, the average residential electricity rate of 16.1¢/kWh in the U.S. overall is an estimated 37% higher than the average residential rate in 12261.

ZIP Code 12261 vs. New York vs. U.S.

See the table below for a comparison of residential, commercial, and industrial electricity rates in ZIP Code 12261, New York, and also in the U.S. as a whole.

Region Residential Commercial Industrial
ZIP Code 12261 11.74¢/kWh 5.99¢/kWh 4.79¢/kWh
New York 24.23¢/kWh 18.58¢/kWh 7.26¢/kWh
United States 16.1¢/kWh 12.81¢/kWh 7.81¢/kWh

All Electricity Rates in ZIP Code 12261

Bar chart displaying an electricity comparison for ZIP Code 12261. This visualizes rates in 12261 compared to both the U.S. and New York. kWh: Kilowatt-hour

Electricity Usage in ZIP Code 12261

View the charts and tables below for electricity usage estimates and comparisons for ZIP Code 12261. See how this Albany County region compares to other regions in New York.

Sorry, electricity usage data for ZIP Code 12261 is not currently available. Please check back later.

Electricity FAQs for ZIP Code 12261


What is the average residential electricity rate in ZIP Code 12261?

According to National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), the average residential electricity rate in ZIP Code 12261 in Albany County in New York is 11.74¢/kWh.

Which utility company serves electricity customers in ZIP Code 12261?

According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), the primary utility company serving this Albany County region in New York is Niagara Mohawk Power Corp.

* Local 12261 electricity data referenced here (rates and usage) obtained from loquol.

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